Saturday, October 11, 2014

October 7, 2014 Meeting

We had an amazing meeting this past Tuesday!  Our special speaker was Pat Kenow from Owatonna. She helped us understand how to measure a true friendship.

 Here is a quick summary of her time with us:
 She began by referencing Proverbs 27:6 and explaining the Bible verse.  (Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.) True friends will tell you the truth because they care; false friends will betray and tell you what you want to hear. 

True Friends demonstrate Loyalty, Honesty, Time, Discretion, Acceptance and Love.
Loyalty: always there for our friends. No matter what. Honesty:You'll tell the truth and/or accept the truth even if it hurts at the time. Time: A friend will donate their time without hesitation. Discretion:
What is revealed to you stays with you. Acceptance: "Freedom to be who you need to be at that time" Love: I Corinthians 13 
We need to surround ourselves with people we desire to be like.

False friends demonstrate Mean spiritedness and  enjoy Gossiping about you. Pat suggested watching the movie MEAN GIRLS for a good look at false friendships.

Having Pat with our MOPS group was an amazing experience and there was so much more that she shared with us. She ended her session with this reminder: "Believe in yourself as a woman".--Be you Bravely.

When we are armed with the knowledge of what true friendship is supposed to like, we can demonstrate it and know who are our true friends. What type of friend are YOU?

Let your goal for the week be this: Be You Bravely and show a friend you truly care. Use any of the qualities mentioned by Pat. :0)

Saturday, September 13, 2014

We begin our Meetings Soon!!

The 2014-2015 year begins on September 16th!! We are so excited to see everybody and meet new friends.  In order to make life a little easier for you on the first day, you can preregister yourself AND your children. Just click on this link to find our Facebook page in order to receive the information.  

We have an amazing year planned for you. The theme for this year is BE YOU BRAVELY and our Steering team has worked hard to incorporate bravery into every single meeting. Before you come on Tuesday, think about bravery--what it is, where you've demonstrated it and how you would like to prove yourself courageous.

At the first meeting, you'll get to meet the steering team and hear about their bravest moments. You'll also get to make a great craft!

Have a great weekend and we'll see you on Tuesday!