Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 4th Meeting

Today at MOPS we had a panel discussion on parenting & special needs. The spectrum of topics ranged from Autism & learning disabilities to Cerebral Palsy & physical challenges such as severe allergies, but we all face some sort of suffering in our lives, and the panel sought to address the deeper question: How can we deal with and teach our children about suffering?

Just a few of the suggestions our speakers shared include:
  • Encourage that mom in her marriage. Offer to babysit so that parents can have a date night.
  • Encourage with Scripture, because everything else is going to fail them.
  • Rake leaves, do laundry, sit with a child so that mom can take a shower.
  • Ask positive questions about special needs kids, and call them by name, for example "How is [name]?" or "What's new with [name]?"
Shawn Pierce, Pastor Tim Haugen, Ross L., Lori Running, Kim Kubicek

2 Corinthians 2:9
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

 John 9:1-3
As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.

Recommended books:

  • What is Heaven Like by Beverly Lewis
  • Just the Way I Am: God's Good Design in Disability by Krista Horning
  • Heaven for Kids by Randy Alcorn
  • Joni Eareckson Tada's disability ministries - http://www.joniandfriends.org/
  • The phone number for ECSE (Early Childhood Special Education) in Owatonna: 444.7800
  • Kim K recommends:
    For kids: Ian's walk by Lauire Lears and Karen Ritz
    My Best Friend Will by Jamie Lowell
    Fiction written by someone with Autism:
    The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night by Mark Haddon
    NonFiction: Thinking in Pictures by Temple Grandin
    The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartin
  • Shawn Pierce recommends:
    Just As I Am (Krista Horning)
    Helping Those Who Hurt (Norman Wright)
    Extraordinary Kids (Fuller and Jones)
    Special Strength for Special Parents (Nina Fuller)
    Compassionate Caregiving (Lois Knutson)
    The Unexpected Gift/Raising Children with Disabilities (Michelle Screder)
    Same Lake Different Boat (Stephanie Hubach)
    Unexpected Journey (Joe & Cindi Ferrini)
    Finding Your Child's Way on The Autism Spectrum (Dr. Laura Hendrickson)
    Helping Kids Include Kids with Disabilities (Barbara Newman)
    Holding On To Hope (Nancy Guthrie)
    We have many more resources available at Joni and Friends, Msp.
    Our office number is 952-933-7777
  • More books below (click to enlarge)

...and last month's newsletter, in case you missed it!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 16th Meeting

This morning at MOPS mentor mom Bev Coyour opened with Proverbs 3:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.

As we ate breakfast a few upcoming announcements were made, and then we were introduced to Caroline Mandich, who led us in an outline of the five love languages and gave some wonderful tips for learning to speak our child(ren)'s love language... and our spouse's!

If you would like to read more about love languages or take the survey for your kid(s), visit http://www.5lovelanguages.com/ and click on "Assessments"

A few highlights included:
#1: Physical Touch - "Hold on to hand-holding."
#2: Words of Affirmation - "Love them for who they are, not what they've done."
#3: Quality Time - "Quality time requires sacrifice. Love is spelled T-I-M-E."
#4: Gifts - "Gifts are a tangible reminder of love."
#5: Acts of Service - "Do for your children what they can't do for themselves with JOY!"

4 Roots of Anger:
1. Pain, past or present, physical or emotional
2. Frustration
3. Fear
4: Injustice

1. It's wrong.
2. It mattered.
3. Release it.
4. Send it forth. "Jesus is your ox; He is our burden-bearer."

Caroline shared so many practical ways to express love, but the most important thing is to be intentional and strategic. Love is a choice, even when the feeling is not there, and we can "come to the well" to fill our tanks with Jesus's love to pour out on our children.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 2nd Meeting

This morning mentor mom Janna opened with a devo on Hebrews 11, the "Faith" chapter, Kristen Haberman spoke to us about wills and estate planning, and then we started on a fall craft making welcome signs for our house which we will finish up next week.

click here for our

October Events

Owatonna Fire Department Chili/Wild Rice Soup Feed- Owatonna Fire Department, Sunday 10/7 4-7 $6 Advance, $8 at door 5 and under free, benefits Firefighter Releif Association

2012 Area Halloween Events listed in order of start time by date

October 12th
*Thorncrest (Dundas) by Candle-lite (band, hayride, bonfire - $4 admission), pumpkins for sale & gift shops open http://www.thorncrestfarm.com/about.html
October 12-13 & 19-20
*Farmamerica Haunted Corn Maze & Mill, admission charged
October 13th
Fall Festival & Chili Contest (Frbo), 10a-3p
Thursday, October 25th
* OPL & ECFE Pumpkin Party Family Fun Night, 6:30-7:30pm, FREE
Saturday, October 27th
* Northfield YMCA - Annual 5K (9am), Kids 1/2 mile (9:45) and Kids Obstacle Course (10am) race The kids obstacle race& Kids 1/2 mile is FREE and all kids will get a pumpkin.
* Farmamerica All Hallow's Eve TOTing, 12-4pm, $4/person, 2 & under are FREE
* Cornerstone Church, Harvest Fest, 2-5pm, FREE
* RBNC Bats, Bones & Bonfire, 4-8pm, FREE for members, $3person/nm
* Owatonna Arts Center - Lil Monster's Ball, 5-8pm, FREE
Wednesday, October 31st
* Old Navy Outlet Lil Monster Bash, 4:30-7pm, FREE
* Pumpkin Man's Lair (Owatonna), check the website for details: http://crazy4halloween.com/Home_Page.php
Pumpkin Patches with Activities:
* Oakview Nursery & Pumpkin Patch (Owatonna): http://oakviewnursery.net/pumpkin-patch.phpn (admission charged, check theme weekend for specials, under 2 FREE)
* Tweite's Pumpkin Patch (Byron): http://tweitepumpkins.com/ (admission charged, 2 & under FREE)

Coming up:

We are taking volunteers for Hospitality, Winter Garage-Sale Fundraiser, Moppets check-in, and Meals – let us know if you are willing to serve in any of those ways by signing up at the registration table!

MOPS t-shirts for sale $12, must order & pay by 10/16

We will be collecting for Operation Christmas Child at the 10/16 meeting.

If you would like to notify us about a local event or contribute a Recipe, Craft, Review, or Article to our monthly newsletter, we would love to hear about it! Email mopsowatonna@gmail.com or let a Steering Team Member know!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

September 18th, 2012!

A flurry of excitement filled Bethel Church this fine fall morning as Owatonna MOPS kicked off a new year. The sounds of chattering and children, the aroma of hot breakfast foods, and around 70 wonderful moms scrambling to set up, check in kids, register, find table assignments, reconnect with old friends and make new ones!

If you weren't there today, here is what you missed: our lovely coordinator Ashley opened with a devotional on this year's theme, “Plunge! Love as if your life depended on it.” She reminded us that though at times we might feel overwhelmed or lost, we have a trustworthy and faithful God who has equipped us with the abilities and allies we need even in desperate situations. Like Peter, we may feel we are sinking beneath scary, storm-tossed waves, but Jesus will never let us drown! He is always with us and He calls us to trust Him and follow Him in loving others with our whole heart.

We took photos for our directory, ate breakfast while a slideshow played on the projector, and introduced this year's Steering Team, Table Leaders, and Mentor Moms. Then we broke up into groups to get to know one another a litte better through a “Speed Dating” activity, and when we gathered back at our tables we listened to a few more announcements as we decorated bag tags for our kiddos and name place cards for ourselves. For more pictures check out our facebook page:
Join us again at our next meeting, October 6th, and until then feel free to get together with your table group, reach out to someone you just met, or contact the MOPS Steering Team with any questions! We are looking forward to building relationships, learning new things, and growing our faith in year ahead!

Once again we would like to thank all of our wonderful SPONSORS and MOPPETS workers, who truly make our meetings possible – THANK YOU so much!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 1st Meeting

 "What if every message you heard was POSITIVE?"

That was Janna Lamison's question for us this morning. When her mother-in-law passed away this past year, Janna reflected on what she would miss most about the woman who had meant a great deal. Janna decided what she would most miss was the way her mother-in-law had of speaking words of blessing and healing into people's lives.

"Our greatest weakness is our tongue," Janna explained. Although we tend to see the negative, how we process what we hear is vital. We can believe the lie, or we can recognize it for what it is and find the deeper TRUTH. Janna talked about how Esau gave up his birthright for Jacob's soup in Genesis 25, and how we shouldn't give up the best gifts God has given us for immediate gratification. Instead of believing and spreading the negative, dig for and respond to the positive in people.

We also had some fun Mother's Day giveaways and brainstormed for ideas for next year!

Snuggling newborn Lucas Thayer

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 17th Meeting

Men’s Panel Recap

Bulleted questions are those that were asked by the moms in advance of the meeting or during the meeting.

On the panel:
Gary Hedstrom – American National Insurance, Dad & Grandpa
Ben Spinler – Owner of Seven Rendered, Dad of 5
Tim Haugen – Pastor at Bethel Church, Dad of 3
Joel Stauffer – Paster at New Life, Dad of 4
Jim Packard – Stay at Home Dad of 4

  • How can we be good wives?
    • Women want love and husbands want respect. Try to show respect to your husband, which will encourage him to be a more loving husband.
    • Speak well of your husbands when your talking with your friends. Hold each other up, have each others’ backs.
    • Enjoy time together, having fun.
    • Provide encouragement – My wife and I have agreed to take time to consider our words before we say it. Husbands need to receive words of encouragement.

  • How can I talk to my husband about his needs?
    • Recognize that he may be showing you his needs already. Try to be aware of what he’s told you or showed you in the past.
    • Communicate that you’re on his team, not on his back.
    • Husbands often need physical contact to feel loved. Respond well when he’s in the mood. Share with them your need for non-sexual touching while also asking them about their needs.
    • Best time to talk is when you’re doing something casual together, like sitting outside, folding laundry, cooking, etc.

  • What do you like best about being a dad?
    • Teaching my kids something new.
    • Doing things together.
    • Talking with them about their need for a Savior – seeing their relationship with Jesus grow.
    • Creating big moments isn’t always the answer…make special moments out of the little things.

  • Needs that you have as a dad?
    • Being spoken to and spoken of respectfully.
    • Receiving wife’s opinion in a respectful way.
    • Having relationships with other supportive dads, dads who will pray for you.
    • Like to be encouraged to spend time with each of my kids individually.
    • Show respect to your husband as the father of their kids, so your kids can respect their dad, but especially so they can then learn to respect their Father in heaven.

  • What do you expect when you get home?
    • Having toys lying around and beds unmade isn’t a big deal. As long as we can see you had a valuable use of your time, that is important. (i.e. Reaching out to the neighbors, doing creative activities with the kids, etc.)
    • It’s important to protect meal times together – help make sure the family can arrange the time to have dinner together.
    • Greet me by showing you’re truly glad that I am home.

  • What is your ideal date night/Father’s Day?
    • Having a date night with my daughters or an adventure night with my son is great…let the kids choose their activity and be truly interested in them while you’re together. Ask them questions such as how they think you’re doing as parents.
    • No tv on date nights.
    • We use a marble jar. Kids get to put a marble in their jar for good behavior. When it’s full, they get a fun day.
    • Date with wife – let the guy pick the restaurant and movie.
    • Father’s Day – Just hanging out, with no expectations of things to get done that day

  • Faith/ Expectations of a God-fearing man
    • Willing to say we’re sorry
    • Puts family first
    • Actively teaches children about Jesus and accepting him as their Savior
    • Prays for their children
    • Prioritizes – Jesus first. Having lots of things and doing lots of things can look good to others, but it won’t work if God isn’t first in your family.

  • What can wives do when their husbands are not saved or aren’t prioritizing God?
    • Moms should focus on demonstrating Jesus to your kids and teaching your children to follow God and to love their Dad.
    • Be an example to your husband of what it means to love God. Love your husbands, show them God’s grace.
    • Note what your husbands are doing well, rather than calling their attention to the negative.
    • Pray for him. God desires him even more than you do. Trust and rest in knowing that.
    • How you live will change their hearts.
    • Verses:

  • How do you raise a Christian son?
    • Purity – work to protect what they see. Sexual images have a big affect on males. Need to be aware of what they are exposed to.
    • dress your daughters appropriately to protect other boys' eyes. When driving/shopping at MOA/etc, divert their attention from inappropriate billboards/stores/etc.
    • teach them that it's God's body, and we have to treat it appropriately
    • teach them that the Word is important, but model it too. "The ultimate measure of manliness is his willingness to die to himself and follow Jesus."

Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 20th Meeting

 This past Tuesday we got to hear Becca Ketterling of River Valley Church speak about her experiences as a pastor's wife and full time working mom. She shared three steps to help deal with anxiety or depression:
1. Realize negative thoughts come from the father of lies
2. Set your mind on things above (Philippians 4:8, Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer)
3. Renew your minds (Romans 12:2, see more verses below!)

Psalm 4:8 ~ Psalm 29:11 ~ Isaiah 9:6 ~ Isaiah 26:3 ~ Isaiah 26:12
John 14:27 ~ Romans 5:1 ~ Romans 16:20 ~ Ephesians 2:13,14
Philippians 4:6,7 ~ Philippians 4:9 ~ Colossians 3:15

Combining a service project with creative activity, we then made fabric "Freedom Flowers" for A21, an organization working to stop human trafficking. Below are the instructions for making your own if you'd like, or you can donate them to freedomflowers.org yourself!

How to make the Petal Flower:
1. Trace and cut 9 flower shapes on fabric. Cut one 2-inch felt circle for your base.
2. Take one petal at a time and fold in half and in half again, and cut the tip off to create a flat edge (so that the glue will adhere to all the folds)
3. Dot hot glue on one side and place petal onto felt base. Repeat this four times to create the outside edges. Use the same glue technique for the inside four petals, and window them in the creases.
4. Glue dot in the middle and add button or final petal curled up like a cone.
5. (Optional) Glue a pin or barrette to the back to create a broach or hairpin!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 6th Meeting

This morning's meeting was our annual MOPS FAVORITE THINGS!!!

Dori and Diane were our fantastic MCs for our mom version of Family Feud - congratulations to our winners Sweat Treat Sisters! Following the game was our fabulous "Favorite Things" giveaway! After a drawing for some more fun freebies, we were pleased to introduce our spring fundraiser Mabel's Labels; more on this to come, but feel free to check out www.owatonna.mabelslabels.com and pass it along! Thanks again to all our wonderful sponsors for supporting and donating to Owatonna MOPS.

March Newsletter highlights include 30-Day-Mom-Challenge, Steering Team Spotlight, and Rainbow Creativity for those cloudy/rainy March days!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 21st Meeting

This week we were privileged to hear words of wisdom (and wit) from our dearly appreciated Mentor Moms! Our Mentor Mom panel took questions from you and shared their thoughts, mistakes, and successes when it comes to being a mom. Here are the cliff notes...

How to incorporate faith on a daily basis:
- Enjoy creation
- Breakfast bible reading
- Car time
- Pray together
- Be real with them

- Don't make it more important than it is
- "Family Fifteen" 15 minutes of cleaning as a family at night
- Make it into a game
- Show them how one-on-one


Book recommendations:
-Parenting by the Book
-The Five Love Languages (Chapman)
-The Power of a Praying Parent (Omartian)
-The Power of a Praying Wife (Omartian)
-Grace Based Parenting (Kimmel)
-Do You Know Who I Am? (Thompson)

Teaching kids to share:
-Spend time individually with them
-Transforming the Difficult Child by Howard Glasser
-Catch them doing something GOOD and praise them
-They don't have to share everything
-Don't use idle threats. Follow through on what you say.
-Don't bring it up again once it's dealt with.

Stopping wining:
-Tell them you don't understand wining
-The Wining Chair, where you sit until you are done wining

Tantrums/tantrums in public:
-Say what you mean and follow through
-Hug it out
-Have a daily quiet time, alone and quiet

Transition to school:
-go to school before the first day
-talk about it; role-play
-role-model bravery
-give little ones chances to play apart from mom, like in MOPPETS or church nursery

Picky eaters:
-Remember that every child is different, and so is every parent!
-Sometimes it's just a stage
-It's okay if they skip a meal once in a while
-Pick your battles
-Be consistent

Praise God for our dedicated Mentor Moms!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7th Meeting

 We got to hear from the lovely Dina Martens at MOPS on Feb. 6th. Dina is from Davao, Philippines, and has lived and worked in Thailand, Korea, and Mongolia. She now now calls Minnesota home, along with her husband and two children, ages 5yrs & 11mos.

"What defines you?" Dina asked. Though she was privileged to have a good education, a good job, and even enjoyed fame in the Philippines for her singing voice, she often felt lonely. Eventually God called her to missions, and then to being a wife and mother.

"Generosity is not just giving. It is giving, and giving, and giving until it hurts."

Thank you, Dina, for sharing your journey with us!

Zoe also showed us how to make:

No Bake Playdoh!

1/2 cup flour
2 TBsp salt
1 tsp cream of tartar
1 1/2 tsp  vegetable oil
1/4 - 1/3 cup hot water, add food coloring drops to water

1. Start by shaking the dry ingredients together in a ziplock baggie (at least sandwich size).
2. Add oil and water/food coloring to the contents in plastic baggie.
3. Press out most of the air, and close ziplock bag.  Knead together until everything is mixed.

If playdoh is too dry, add a few drops of water at a time and knead; if it's too wet, add a little more flour and knead.  More food coloring can be kneaded in after playdoh is fully mixed, if desired.

Playdoh can be kept in the ziplock baggie, or transferred to air-tight containers, such as: baby food jar/container, jam/jelly jars, small cottage cheese or sour cream containers, tupperware, etc.

There are also instructions for baking and painting playdoh.

Directory and March Newsletter

Here are the online PDF versions of our latest print materials! Use the directory to get to know fellow moms better, and check out the March newsletter for a Valentine's devo, interviews with steering members, and some savory soups!

 Mops Directory 2012

March Newsletter Page 1

March Newsletter Page 2

0212 Page 3 PDF

0212 Page 4 PDF

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 17th Meeting


 Sign-up for Sessions



 Mentor Moms

Contour Drawing


Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 3rd Meeting

Welcome to 2012! We were all blessed with a scrumptious breakfast and a lesson in loneliness on an icy morning to begin the calender year. MOPS strives to be a place to find connections, support, and encouragement, and speaker Beth Beebe shared her stories of her own experiences and struggles in making real connections and sustaining relationships in your community. Beth is a preschool teacher who lives in Bloomington with her husband and two teenage sons, and she gave us personal and practical ways to give and receive help in times of loneliness. The truth is that we can be surrounded by people and still feel isolated.

Whether living in a foreign country where you don't speak the language, a bustling city with where no one gives out their phone numbers, or a tiny middle-of-nowhere town, we all need to find community and friendship. Someone to talk to, be encouraged by, lend a helping hand. A verse in Proverbs says "He puts the lonely in a family," and Hebrews chapter 10 says "Let us consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds." When the way is narrow, go deep with God. Beth exhorted us to be "God with skin on" for each other. Seasons bring change, she explained, and change brings hope. She also recommended the book A Place of Healing by Joni Eareckson Tada.

What strikes you about Beth's stories? Are you in a situation of loneliness? If not, what could you consider doing to be a source of comfort to someone who is?

Dec 20th Meeting

MOPS "Spa Day" is our annual outlet to just kick back and pamper ourselves, whether you enjoy exercising physically or creatively, getting a massage or a manicure, chatting & conversation, or just listening to music with your eyes closed. Here are a few photos.