These bold, sensible, loving moms are ready for another year of breakfast, fellowship, and fun.
*cue JEOPARDY theme music*
Who are Owatonna MOPS!
We had a great morning gathering together after a crazy summer and getting back into the swing of things. After a rainy dawn, the wind blew the clouds away and the sun came out! At our first meeting of the year we introduced a new Steering Team, Table Leaders, and Mentor Moms, and we welcomed some brand new members to our fantastic group. Thanks to our wonderful MOPPETS workers and coordinators, we were even able to have a baby room for a few of the under-1s. If you weren't able to make it to the kick-off meeting, we hope you will be able to join us next time!
Toby finds a new use for booster seats
Julie presents this year's theme
introducing table leaders
getting to know one another
meeting mentor moms
this year's top sponsors